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bmat (binary-matrix)


bmat is a binary matrix calculation container.
bmat はバイナリ行列計算コンテナです.

Header file

namespace sstd{
    class bmat;

    void copy(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs);
    void move(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs);

    void               eye(class sstd::bmat& bMat);
    void              ones(class sstd::bmat& bMat);
    void             zeros(class sstd::bmat& bMat);
    class sstd::bmat   eye(const uint& row, const uint& col); // このあたり,戻り値で関数はオーバーロードできないので,他の型についても実装すると,衝突する危険がある.(書き直し.
    class sstd::bmat  ones(const uint& row, const uint& col);
    class sstd::bmat zeros(const uint& row, const uint& col);
    class sstd::bmat   eye(const uint& size);
    class sstd::bmat  ones(const uint& size);
    class sstd::bmat zeros(const uint& size);

    class sstd::bmat LxShiftMat(uint size, uint xShift);                     // square matrix [size x size]
    class sstd::bmat RxShiftMat(uint size, uint xShift);                     // square matrix [size x size]

    class sstd::bmat       Tr(class sstd::bmat& rhs);                        // lhs = Transpose(rhs)
    void            Tr_myself(class sstd::bmat& rhs);                        // Transpose(rhs)

    class sstd::bmat      add(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs + rhs (XOR)
    class sstd::bmat      mul(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs * rhs
    class sstd::bmat      pow(class sstd::bmat  base, uint64 exponent);      // base^{exponent}
    void           add_myself(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs += rhs (XOR)
    void           mul_myself(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs *= rhs
    void           pow_myself(class sstd::bmat& base, uint64 exponent);      // lhs ^= exponent

    class sstd::bmat     and_(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs & rhs (AND)
    class sstd::bmat      or_(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs | rhs (OR)
    class sstd::bmat     not_(class sstd::bmat& rhs);                        // ~rhs (NOT)
    class sstd::bmat     xor_(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs + rhs (XOR)
    void           and_myself(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs & rhs (AND)
    void            or_myself(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs | rhs (OR)

    bool                   eq(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs == rhs
    bool                   ne(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs != rhs

    class sstd::bmat  REShift(class sstd::bmat& rhs, uint ShiftNum);         // RightExpansionShift // 行列拡大右シフト
    class sstd::bmat  DEShift(class sstd::bmat& rhs, uint ShiftNum);         // DownExpansionShift  // 行列拡大下シフト
    class sstd::bmat horzcat2(class sstd::bmat& lhs, class sstd::bmat& rhs); // lhs << rhs
    class sstd::bmat vertcat2(class sstd::bmat&  us, class sstd::bmat&  ds); // us && ds            // upside, downside.

class sstd::bmat{
    uint rowNum;    // 行数
    uint colNum;    // 列数
    sstd::mat_c<uint64> binMat8x8;    // 8x8 の BinMartix 行列の集合

    bmat(const uint& row, const uint& col);
    bmat(class bmat&  rhs);
    bmat(class bmat&& rhs);

    // inline sstd::mat_c<uint64> bMat8x8(){ return binMat8x8; } // Do not do this to avoid object copy
    inline const sstd::mat_c<uint64>& bMat8x8_R() const { return binMat8x8; }
    inline const uint rows() const;
    inline const uint cols() const;

    // RW: read and write
    inline sstd::mat_c<uint64>& bMat8x8_RW();
    inline uint& rows_RW();
    inline uint& cols_RW();

    class bmat& operator= (const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs = sstd::add(A, B);".
    class bmat  operator+ (const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs + rhs;". // XOR
    class bmat  operator* (const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs * rhs;". // mul
    class bmat  operator^ (const uint64& rhs);     // called by "lhs ^ rhs;". // pow (not XOR)

    class bmat  operator& (const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs & rhs;". // AND
    class bmat  operator| (const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs | rhs;". //  OR
    class bmat  operator~ ()                       // called by "~rhs;".      // NOT

    class bmat& operator+=(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs += rhs;".
    class bmat& operator*=(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs *= rhs;".
    class bmat& operator^=(const uint64& rhs);     // called by "lhs ^= rhs;".
    class bmat& operator&=(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs &= rhs;".
    class bmat& operator|=(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "lhs |= rhs;".

    bool        operator==(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "sstd::bmat bMatA, bMatB; if(bMatA == bMatB){printf("same\n");}else{printf("different\n");}".
    bool        operator!=(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "sstd::bmat bMatA, bMatB; if(bMatA == bMatB){printf("same\n");}else{printf("different\n");}".

    class bmat  operator<<(const class bmat& rhs); // called by "sstd::bmat bMatA, bMatB, bMatC; bMatC = bMatA << bMatB;". // Horizontal connection of matrix.
    class bmat  operator&&(const class bmat&  ds); // called by "sstd::bmat bMatA, bMatB, bMatC; bMatC = bMatA && bMatB;". // Vertical connection of matrix.

    class SwapByOneIndex  operator[](const uint& p); // col-major order // called by "sstd::bmat bMat; bool buf = bMat[0]; bool bMat[0] = buf;".
    class SwapByOneIndex  operator[](const  int& p); // col-major order // called by "sstd::bmat bMat; bool buf = bMat[0]; bool bMat[0] = buf;".

    class SwapByTwoIndex  operator()(const uint& p, const uint& q); // called by "sstd::bmat bMat; bool buf = bMat(0, 0); bool bMat(0, 0) = buf;".
    class SwapByTwoIndex  operator()(const  int& p, const uint& q); // called by "sstd::bmat bMat; bool buf = bMat(0, 0); bool bMat(0, 0) = buf;".
    class SwapByTwoIndex  operator()(const uint& p, const  int& q); // called by "sstd::bmat bMat; bool buf = bMat(0, 0); bool bMat(0, 0) = buf;".
    class SwapByTwoIndex  operator()(const  int& p, const  int& q); // called by "sstd::bmat bMat; bool buf = bMat(0, 0); bool bMat(0, 0) = buf;".


  • Execution result
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    bool isFullPeriod_LRL(std::vector<uint64>& divs, uint N, uint a, uint b, uint c){
        sstd::bmat I  = sstd::eye(N, N);
        sstd::bmat La = sstd::LxShiftMat(N, a);
        sstd::bmat Rb = sstd::RxShiftMat(N, b);
        sstd::bmat Lc = sstd::LxShiftMat(N, c);
        sstd::bmat T = (I + La)*(I + Rb)*(I + Lc);
    //  sstd::printn(T);
        for(uint i=0; i<divs.size()-1; i++){
            sstd::bmat Tp = T^(divs[i]); // XORSHIFT
            if(Tp==I){ return false; }
        sstd::bmat Tp = T^(divs[divs.size()-1]); // XORSHIFT
        if(Tp==I){ return true;
        }  else  { return false; }
    void T_LRL(std::vector<uint64>& divs, uint N){
        uint num=0;
        printf("  a,  b,  c\n");
        for(uint a=0; a<N; a++){
            for(uint b=0; b<N; b++){
                for(uint c=0; c<N; c++){
                    if(a<c && isFullPeriod_LRL(divs, N, a, b, c)){
                        printf("|%2u, %2u, %2u", a, b, c);
                        if(num%9==0){ printf("|\n"); }
    int main(){
        printf("■ measureTime_start---------------\n\n"); time_m timem; sstd::measureTime_start(timem);
        // calculate divisors of 2^32-1.
    //  std::vector<uint64> divs32 = sstd::divisor(4294967296-1); // Below line returns the same result of this line, but took a little time to run every time and takes a little heavy memory (about 2 GByte).
    //  std::vector<uint64> divs32 = {1, 3, 5, 15, 17, 51, 85, 255, 257, 771, 1285, 3855, 4369, 13107, 21845, 65535, 65537, 196611, 327685, 983055, 1114129, 3342387, 5570645, 16711935, 16843009, 50529027, 84215045, 252645135, 286331153, 858993459, 1431655765, 4294967295};
        std::vector<uint64> divs32 = {1ull*5ull*17ull*257ull*65537ull,
                                      3ull*5ull* 1ull*257ull*65537ull,
                                      3ull*5ull*17ull*  1ull*65537ull,
                                      3ull*5ull*17ull*257ull*    1ull,
        printf("□ calculate LRL 32bits\n");
        T_LRL(divs32, 32); printf("\n");
        printf("\n■ measureTime_stop----------------\n"); sstd::measureTime_stop_print(timem);
        return 0;
  • Execution result
    ■ measureTime_start---------------
    □ calculate LRL 32bits
      a,  b,  c
    | 1,  3, 10| 1,  5, 16| 1,  5, 19| 1,  9, 29| 1, 11,  6| 1, 11, 16| 1, 19,  3| 1, 21, 20| 1, 27, 27|
    | 2,  5, 15| 2,  5, 21| 2,  7,  7| 2,  7,  9| 2,  7, 25| 2,  9, 15| 2, 15, 17| 2, 15, 25| 2, 21,  9|
    | 3,  1, 14| 3,  3, 26| 3,  3, 28| 3,  3, 29| 3,  5, 20| 3,  5, 22| 3,  5, 25| 3,  7, 29| 3, 13,  7|
    | 3, 23, 25| 3, 25, 24| 3, 27, 11| 4,  3, 17| 4,  3, 27| 4,  5, 15| 5,  3, 21| 5,  7, 22| 5,  9,  7|
    | 5,  9, 28| 5,  9, 31| 5, 13,  6| 5, 15, 17| 5, 17, 13| 5, 21, 12| 5, 27,  8| 5, 27, 21| 5, 27, 25|
    | 5, 27, 28| 6,  1, 11| 6,  3, 17| 6, 17,  9| 6, 21,  7| 6, 21, 13| 7,  1,  9| 7,  1, 18| 7,  1, 25|
    | 7, 13, 25| 7, 17, 21| 7, 25, 12| 7, 25, 20| 8,  7, 23| 8,  9, 23| 9,  5, 14| 9,  5, 25| 9, 11, 19|
    | 9, 21, 16|10,  9, 21|10,  9, 25|11,  7, 12|11,  7, 16|11, 17, 13|11, 21, 13|12,  9, 23|13,  3, 17|
    |13,  3, 27|13,  5, 19|13, 17, 15|14,  1, 15|14, 13, 15|15,  1, 29|17, 15, 20|17, 15, 23|17, 15, 26|
    ■ measureTime_stop----------------
     Execution time:     5. 464 sec
