Functions to copy files and directories
Header file
namespace sstd{
bool copy(const char* pPath_src, const char* pPath_dst, const char* opt);
bool copy(const std::string& path_src, const char* pPath_dst, const char* opt);
bool copy(const char* pPath_src, const std::string& path_dst, const char* opt);
bool copy(const std::string& path_src, const std::string& path_dst, const char* opt);
bool copy(const char* pPath_src, const char* pPath_dst);
bool copy(const std::string& path_src, const char* pPath_dst);
bool copy(const char* pPath_src, const std::string& path_dst);
bool copy(const std::string& path_src, const std::string& path_dst);
bool cp (const char* pPath_src, const char* pPath_dst, const char* opt);
bool cp (const std::string& path_src, const char* pPath_dst, const char* opt);
bool cp (const char* pPath_src, const std::string& path_dst, const char* opt);
bool cp (const std::string& path_src, const std::string& path_dst, const char* opt);
bool cp (const char* pPath_src, const char* pPath_dst);
bool cp (const std::string& path_src, const char* pPath_dst);
bool cp (const char* pPath_src, const std::string& path_dst);
bool cp (const std::string& path_src, const std::string& path_dst);
Function name | Description |
copy() | A function to copy a single file, and give the same permission as the source. 1 つのファイルをコピーする関数.コピー元のファイルと同一のパーミッションを付与します. |
cp() | A function to copy files and directories, and give the same permission as the source. 複数のファイルやディレクトリをコピーする関数.コピー元のファイルやディレクトリと同一のパーミッションを付与します. |
- n
: (n: no overwrite) do not to overwrite the existing file.
- p
: (p: permission) copy file with the same permission and timestamp.
- u
: (u: update) update the file only when the dst file is older than src file.
copy(): copy a file
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ sstd::mkdir("./tmp"); sstd::system("dd if=/dev/urandom of=./tmp/rand.bin bs=1M count=10 > /dev/null 2>&1"); sstd::copy("./tmp/rand.bin", "./tmp/rand_copy.bin"); sstd::system("ls ./tmp"); sstd::system("sha256sum ./tmp/rand.bin | cut -d \" \" -f 1"); sstd::system("sha256sum ./tmp/rand_copy.bin | cut -d \" \" -f 1"); sstd::rm("./tmp"); }
- Execution result
rand.bin rand_copy.bin ee285ddae2b2e3bde960c9e72143cb66be13b22e1da959b51a59fcc732b8b15d ee285ddae2b2e3bde960c9e72143cb66be13b22e1da959b51a59fcc732b8b15d
cp(): copy a directory
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ sstd::mkdir("./tmp"); sstd::cp("./sstd", "./tmp"); sstd::system("ls ./tmp"); sstd::rm("./tmp"); }
- Execution result
cp(): copy under the directory
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ sstd::mkdir("./tmp"); sstd::cp("./sstd/*", "./tmp"); sstd::system("ls ./tmp"); sstd::rm("./tmp"); }
- Execution result
LICENSE Makefile compileOption.hpp include lib src sstd.hpp tmpMake
- Source: sstd/src/file/cp.cpp
- Header: sstd/src/file/cp.hpp
- Test: test/src_test/file/cp.cpp