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strEdit.hpp / strEdit.cpp は,文字列を編集するための関数を収録している.

Header file

namespace sstd{
    bool extract_quoted  (std::vector<std::string>& ret, const        char* str);
    bool extract_quoted  (std::vector<std::string>& ret, const std::string& str);
    bool extract_unquoted(            std::string & ret, const        char* str);
    bool extract_unquoted(            std::string & ret, const std::string& str);


    std::vector<std::string> splitByLine(const        char* str);
    std::vector<std::string> splitByLine(const std::string& str);

    bool splitByLine_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const        char* str);
    bool splitByLine_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const std::string& str);

    std::vector<std::string> split(const char*        str);
    std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& str);
    std::vector<std::string> split(const char*        str, const char X);
    std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& str, const char X);
    std::vector<std::string> split(const char*        str, const char*        X);
    std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& str, const std::string& X);

    std::vector<std::string> split_rmSpace(const char*        str);               // rm: remove
    std::vector<std::string> split_rmSpace(const std::string& str);               // rm: remove
    std::vector<std::string> split_rmSpace(const char*        str, const char X); // rm: remove
    std::vector<std::string> split_rmSpace(const std::string& str, const char X); // rm: remove

    bool split_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const        char* str);
    bool split_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const std::string& str);
    bool split_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const        char* str, const char X);
    bool split_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const std::string& str, const char X);
    bool split_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const        char* str, const char*        X);
    bool split_quotes(std::vector<std::string>& ret, const std::string& str, const std::string& X);


    // remove space or tab.
    std::string              lstrip   (const                    char * str); // removing head tab and spaces
    std::string              lstrip   (const             std::string & str); // removing head tab and spaces
    std::vector<std::string> lstrip   (const std::vector<std::string>& vec); // removing tail tab and spaces
    void                     lstrip_ow(                  std::string & str); // removing head tab and spaces. ow: overwrite
    void                     lstrip_ow(      std::vector<std::string>& vec); // removing tail tab and spaces. ow: overwrite
    std::string              rstrip   (const                    char * str); // removing tail tab and spaces
    std::string              rstrip   (const             std::string & str); // removing tail tab and spaces
    std::vector<std::string> rstrip   (const std::vector<std::string>& vec); // removing tail tab and spaces
    void                     rstrip_ow(                  std::string & str); // removing tail tab and spaces. ow: overwrite
    void                     rstrip_ow(      std::vector<std::string>& vec); // removing tail tab and spaces. ow: overwrite
    std::string               strip   (const                    char * str); // removing head and tail tab and spaces
    std::string               strip   (const             std::string & str); // removing head and tail tab and spaces
    std::vector<std::string>  strip   (const std::vector<std::string>& vec); // -> strip(str) // removing head and tail spaces
    void                      strip_ow(                  std::string & str); // removing head and tail tab and spaces. ow: overwrite
    void                      strip_ow(      std::vector<std::string>& vec); // -> strip(str) // removing head and tail spaces

    std::string              lstrip   (const        char* str, const char c);
    std::string              lstrip   (const std::string& str, const char c);
    void                     lstrip_ow(      std::string& str, const char c);
    std::string              rstrip   (const        char* str, const char c);
    std::string              rstrip   (const std::string& str, const char c);
    void                     rstrip_ow(      std::string& str, const char c);
    std::string               strip   (const        char* str, const char c);
    std::string               strip   (const std::string& str, const char c);
    void                      strip_ow(      std::string& str, const char c);

    std::string               stripAll   (const        char* str, const        char  c        );
    std::string               stripAll   (const std::string& str, const        char  c        );
    void                      stripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const        char  c        );

    std::string               stripAll   (const        char* str, const        char* stripList);
    std::string               stripAll   (const std::string& str, const        char* stripList);
    std::string               stripAll   (const        char* str, const std::string& stripList);
    std::string               stripAll   (const std::string& str, const std::string& stripList);

    void                     lstripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const        char* stripList);
    void                     lstripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const std::string& stripList);
    void                     rstripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const        char* stripList);
    void                     rstripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const std::string& stripList);
    void                      stripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const        char* stripList);
    void                      stripAll_ow(      std::string& str, const std::string& stripList);
    // todo: rm '\t'
    // todo: implementing memcopy version. Ref:

    std::string strip_quotes(                            const        char* str);
    std::string strip_quotes(                            const std::string& str);
    std::string strip_quotes(bool& ret_sq, bool& ret_dq, const        char* str); // _sq: single quatation, _dq: double quotation
    std::string strip_quotes(bool& ret_sq, bool& ret_dq, const std::string& str); // _sq: single quatation, _dq: double quotation


    std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& v, const        char  delimiter);
    std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& v, const        char* delimiter);
    std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& v, const std::string& delimiter);


extract string / 文字列の抽出

Function name Description
extract_quoted() extracts the quoted string. As a quoted type, double quotes or single quotes are required. When a quotation is not closed, this function returns false.
Quotation で囲われた文字列を抽出します.Quotation には Double quotation または singhle quotation を指定します.Quotation が閉じていない場合は false を返します.
extract_unquoted() extracts the unquoted string. As a quoted type, double quotes or single quotes are required. When a quotation is not closed, this function returns false.
Quotation で囲われていない文字列を抽出します.Quotation には Double quotation または singhle quotation を指定します.Quotation が閉じていない場合は false を返します.

split string / 文字列の分割

Function name Description
splitByLine() splits the string with a line feed code.
splitByLine_quotes() splits the string with a line feed code ignoring the line feed code between quotes. As a quoted type, double quotes or single quotes are required. When a quatation is not closed, this function returns false.
Quotation で囲われた改行コードを無視する形で,文字列を改行コードごとに分割します. Quotation には Double quotation または singhle quotation を指定します.Quotation が閉じていない場合は false を返します.
split() splits the string by a character of arg 2.
第 2 引数の文字で文字列を分割します.
split_rmSpace(str) splits the string by a space (' ') and removes the spaces on the head and tail of string.
空白文字 (' ') で文字列を分割して,前後の空白文字も削除します.
split_rmSpace(str, X) splits the string by a character of arg 2 and removes the spaces.
第 2 引数の文字で文字列を分割し,前後の空白文字を削除します.
split_quotes() splits the string by a character of arg 2 ignoring the line feed code between quotes. As a quoted type, double quotes or single quotes are required. When a quatation is not closed, this function returns false.
Quotation で囲われた改行コードを無視する形で,第 2 引数の文字で文字列を分割します.Quotation には Double quotation または singhle quotation を指定します.Quotation が閉じていない場合は false を返します.

Remove spaces and tabs / 空白 (半角スペース) とタブ文字の除去

Function name Description
lstrip() removes head spaces and tabs.
lstrip_ow() removes head spaces and tabs. _ow means overwrite.
文字列の先頭にある半角スペースとタブ文字を除去します._ow は overwrite の意味で,引数に結果を上書きします.
rstrip() removes tail spaces and tabs.
rstrip_ow() removes tail spaces and tabs. _ow means overwrite.
文字列の末尾にある半角スペースとタブ文字を除去します._ow は overwrite の意味で,引数に結果を上書きします.
strip() removes head and tail spaces and tabs.
strip_ow() removes head and tail spaces and tabs. _ow means overwrite.
文字列の先頭と末尾にある半角スペースとタブ文字を除去します._ow は overwrite の意味で,引数に結果を上書きします.
stripAll() removes all types of characters in arg 2.
第 2 引数にある全ての種類の文字を除去します.
lstripAll_ow() removes all types of characters in arg 2 from the left (head) of the string until all the types of characters in arg 2 is included. If a character not contained in the 2nd arg's characters occurs, removal process is stopped. _ow means overwrite.
第 2 引数に含まれる文字種類が現れる間,第 2 引数の文字を先頭から除去します.第 2 引数に含まれない文字が現れた場合,削除プロセスは停止します._ow は overwrite の意味で,引数に結果を上書きします.
rstripAll_ow() removes all types of characters in arg 2 from the right (tail) of the string until all the types of characters in arg 2 is included. If a character not contained in the 2nd arg's characters occurs, removal process is stopped. _ow means overwrite.
第 2 引数に含まれる文字種類が現れる間,第 2 引数の文字を末尾から除去します.第 2 引数に含まれない文字が現れた場合,削除プロセスは停止します._ow は overwrite の意味で,引数に結果を上書きします.
stripAll_ow() removes all types of characters in arg 2. _ow means overwrite.
第 2 引数にある全ての種類の文字を除去します._ow は overwrite の意味で,引数に結果を上書きします.
strip_quotes() removes head and tail quotes after removing head and tail spaces and tabs.
文字列の先頭にある半角スペースとタブ文字を除去した後,Quotation を取り除きます.

Join objects / オブジェクトの結合

Function name Description
join() joins the std::vector<std::string> of arg 1, inserting delimiter of arg 2.
オブジェクトの間に delimiter を挿入しながら,第 1 引数の std::vector<std::string> を結合します.


extract string / 文字列の抽出

extract_quoted() / extract_unquoted()

  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s = R"( abc " def " ghi ' jkl ' )";
        std::vector<std::string> ret_vs_q;
        bool ret_tf_q = sstd::extract_quoted(ret_vs_q, s);
        std::string ret_s_uq;
        bool ret_tf_uq = sstd::extract_unquoted(ret_s_uq, s);
        sstd::printn(ret_s_uq );
  • Execution result
    ret_tf_q = true
    ret_vs_q = [" def " " jkl "]
    ret_tf_uq = true
    ret_s_uq = " abc  ghi  "

split string / 文字列の分割


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s1 = "abc\ndef\n";
        std::vector<std::string> vS1 = sstd::splitByLine(s1);
        std::string s2 = "abc\r\ndef\r\n";
        std::vector<std::string> vS2 = sstd::splitByLine(s2);
        std::string s3 = "\nabc\ndef\n\n";
        std::vector<std::string> vS3 = sstd::splitByLine(s3);
  • Execution result
    vS1 = ["abc" "def"]
    vS2 = ["abc" "def"]
    vS3 = ["" "abc" "def" ""]


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s1 = "abc\n\"def\nghi\"jkl";
        std::vector<std::string> ret_vs1;
        bool ret_tf1 = sstd::splitByLine_quotes(ret_vs1, s1);
        std::string s2 = "abc\n'def\nghi'jkl";
        std::vector<std::string> ret_vs2;
        bool ret_tf2 = sstd::splitByLine_quotes(ret_vs2, s2);
  • Execution result
    ret_tf1 = true
    ret_vs1 = ["abc" ""def
    ret_tf2 = true
    ret_vs2 = ["abc" "'def


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s1 = "a b   c";
        std::vector<std::string> vS1 = sstd::split(s1);
        std::string s2 = "a | b | c ";
        std::vector<std::string> vS2 = sstd::split(s2, '|');
        std::string s3 = "a | b | c |";
        std::vector<std::string> vS3 = sstd::split(s3, '|');
        std::string s4 = "a | b || c |";
        std::vector<std::string> vS4 = sstd::split(s4, "||");
  • Execution result
    vS1 = ["a" "b" "c"]
    vS2 = ["a " " b " " c "]
    vS3 = ["a " " b " " c " ""]
    vS4 = ["a | b " " c |"]


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s1 = " abc  def  ghi  ";
        std::vector<std::string> vS1 = sstd::split_rmSpace(s1);
        std::string s2 = " abc | def ||  ghi  ";
        std::vector<std::string> vS2 = sstd::split_rmSpace(s2, '|');
  • Execution result
    vS1 = ["abc" "def" "ghi"]
    vS2 = ["abc" "def" "" "ghi"]


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s1 = "abc|\"def|ghi\"jkl";
        std::vector<std::string> ret_vs1;
        bool ret_tf1 = sstd::split_quotes(ret_vs1, s1, '|');
        std::string s2 = "abc|'def|ghi'jkl";
        std::vector<std::string> ret_vs2;
        bool ret_tf2 = sstd::split_quotes(ret_vs2, s2, '|');
  • Execution result
    ret_tf1 = true
    ret_vs1 = ["abc" ""def|ghi"jkl"]
    ret_tf2 = true
    ret_vs2 = ["abc" "'def|ghi'jkl"]

Remove spaces and tabs / 空白 (半角スペース) とタブ文字の除去


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        sstd::printn(sstd::lstrip("   a b c   "));
        sstd::printn(sstd::lstrip("---a-b-c---", '-'));
        std::string s1 = "   a b c   ";
        std::string s2 = "---a-b-c---";
        sstd::lstrip_ow(s2, '-');
  • Execution result
    sstd::lstrip("   a b c   ") = "a b c   "
    sstd::lstrip("---a-b-c---", '-') = "a-b-c---"
    s1 = "a b c   "
    s2 = "a-b-c---"


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        sstd::printn(sstd::rstrip("   a b c   "));
        sstd::printn(sstd::rstrip("---a-b-c---", '-'));
        std::string s1 = "   a b c   ";
        std::string s2 = "---a-b-c---";
        sstd::rstrip_ow(s2, '-');
  • Execution result
    sstd::rstrip("   a b c   ") = "   a b c"
    sstd::rstrip("---a-b-c---", '-') = "---a-b-c"
    s1 = "   a b c"
    s2 = "---a-b-c"


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        sstd::printn(sstd::strip("   a b c   "));
        sstd::printn(sstd::strip("---a-b-c---", '-'));
        std::string s1 = "   a b c   ";
        std::string s2 = "---a-b-c---";
        sstd::strip_ow(s2, '-');
  • Execution result
    sstd::strip("   a b c   ") = "a b c"
    sstd::strip("---a-b-c---", '-') = "a-b-c"
    s1 = "a b c"
    s2 = "a-b-c"

stripAll(), lstripAll(), rstripAll()

  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::string s;
        s = "   a x b x c   ";
        sstd::stripAll_ow(s, " x");
        s = "   a x b x c   ";
        sstd::lstripAll_ow(s, " ax");
        s = "   a x b x c   ";
        sstd::rstripAll_ow(s, " cx");
  • Execution result
    s = "abc"
    s = "b x c   "
    s = "   a x b"


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        sstd::printn(sstd::strip_quotes("   \"a x b x c\"   "));
        sstd::printn(sstd::strip_quotes("   'a x b x c'   "));
        bool ret_sq1=false, ret_dq1=false;
        sstd::printn(sstd::strip_quotes(ret_sq1, ret_dq1, "   \"a x b x c\"   "));
        bool ret_sq2=false, ret_dq2=false;
        sstd::printn(sstd::strip_quotes(ret_sq2, ret_dq2, "   'a x b x c'   "));
  • Execution result
    sstd::strip_quotes("   \"a x b x c\"   ") = "a x b x c"
    sstd::strip_quotes("   'a x b x c'   ") = "a x b x c"
    sstd::strip_quotes(ret_sq1, ret_dq1, "   \"a x b x c\"   ") = "a x b x c"
    ret_sq1 = false
    ret_dq1 = true
    sstd::strip_quotes(ret_sq2, ret_dq2, "   'a x b x c'   ") = "a x b x c"
    ret_sq2 = true
    ret_dq2 = false


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        std::vector<std::string> v = {"a", "b", "c"};
        sstd::printn(sstd::join(v, ','));
        sstd::printn(sstd::join(v, ", "));
  • Execution result
    sstd::join(v, ',') = "a,b,c"
    sstd::join(v, ", ") = "a, b, c"
