contains functions for mathematical and statistical calculations.
Header file
namespace sstd{
float round2even(float n);
double round2even(double n);
float round2odd(float n);
double round2odd(double n);
template<typename T> T sum(const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> T sum(const std::vector<T>& rhs, uint a, uint b);
template<class Itr> typename std::iterator_traits<Itr>::value_type sum(const Itr first, const Itr last);
// using Pairwise summation algorithm.
float sum (const std::vector<float>::iterator first, const std::vector<float>::iterator last);
float sum (const std::vector<float>& rhs, uint a, uint b); // 配列の a 番目から b 番目までの合計. sum of the a th to b th of array.
float sum (const std::vector<float>& rhs);
float sum_abs(const std::vector<float>& rhs);
float ave (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 平均値: average
float med ( std::vector<float> rhs); // 中央値: median // copy rhs // If rhs.size () is even, average of the two median values is returned.
// float mod (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 最頻値: mode
float var (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 不偏分散/標本分散 (variance): u^2 = (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
float var_p (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 母分散 (variance population): σ^2 = (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
float stdev (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 標本標準偏差 (sample standard deviation): u = SQRT( (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
float stdev_p(const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 標準偏差 (standard deviation): σ = SQRT( (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
double sum (const std::vector<double>::iterator first, const std::vector<double>::iterator last);
double sum (const std::vector<double>& rhs, uint a, uint b); // 配列の a 番目から b 番目までの合計. sum of the a th to b th of array.
double sum (const std::vector<double>& rhs);
double sum_abs(const std::vector<double>& rhs);
double ave (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 平均値: average
double med ( std::vector<double> rhs); // 中央値: median // copy rhs // If rhs.size () is even, average of the two median values is returned.
// double mod (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 最頻値: mode
double var (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 不偏分散/標本分散 (variance): u^2 = (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
double var_p (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 母分散 (variance population): σ^2 = (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
double stdev (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 標本標準偏差 (sample standard deviation): u = SQRT( (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
double stdev_p(const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 標準偏差 (standard deviation): σ = SQRT( (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
// K: using Kahan summation algorithm
float sumK (const std::vector<float>& rhs, uint a, uint b); // 配列の a 番目から b 番目までの合計. sum of the a th to b th of array.
float sumK (const std::vector<float>& rhs);
float sumK_abs(const std::vector<float>& rhs);
float aveK (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 平均値: average
float aveK (const std::vector<float>& rhs, uint num); // 平均値: average in the first num elements.
float varK (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 不偏分散/標本分散 (variance): u^2 = (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
float varK_p (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 母分散 (variance population): σ^2 = (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
float stdevK (const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 標本標準偏差 (sample standard deviation): u = SQRT( (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
float stdevK_p(const std::vector<float>& rhs); // 標準偏差 (standard deviation): σ = SQRT( (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
double sumK (const std::vector<double>& rhs);
double sumK (const std::vector<double>& rhs, uint a, uint b); // 配列の a 番目から b 番目までの合計. sum of the a th to b th of array.
double sumK_abs(const std::vector<double>& rhs);
double aveK (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 平均値: average
double aveK (const std::vector<double>& rhs, uint num); // 平均値: average in the first num elements.
double varK (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 不偏分散/標本分散 (variance): u^2 = (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
double varK_p (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 母分散 (variance population): σ^2 = (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2
double stdevK (const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 標本標準偏差 (sample standard deviation): u = SQRT( (1/(n-1))*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
double stdevK_p(const std::vector<double>& rhs); // 標準偏差 (standard deviation): σ = SQRT( (1/n)*Σ(x_i-μ)^2 )
std::vector<uint64> prime(uint64 rhs); // get a list of prime number under rhs.
struct fact{
uint64 prime;
uint64 num;
std::vector<struct fact> factor(uint64 rhs); // get a list of prime factorization
std::vector<uint64> divisor(const std::vector<struct sstd::fact>& rhs); // get a list of all divisors
std::vector<uint64> divisor(uint64 rhs); // get a list of all of the divisors.
uint8 pow(const uint8 & base, const uint8 & exp);
uint16 pow(const uint16& base, const uint16& exp);
uint32 pow(const uint32& base, const uint32& exp);
uint64 pow(const uint64& base, const uint64& exp);
float pow(const float& base, const float& exp);
double pow(const double& base, const double& exp);
template<typename T> inline T min (const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min_abs(const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max (const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max_abs(const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min (const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min_abs(const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max (const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max_abs(const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min (const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min_abs(const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max (const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max_abs(const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min(T&& lhs, T&& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T min(T&& head1, T&& head2, T&& tail);
template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
inline Head min(Head&& head1, Head&& head2, Tail&&... tail);
template<typename T> inline T max(T&& lhs, T&& rhs);
template<typename T> inline T max(T&& head1, T&& head2, T&& tail);
template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
inline Head max(Head&& head1, Head&& head2, Tail&&... tail);
template<typename T> uint argmin (const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmin_abs(const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmax (const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmax_abs(const std::vector<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmin (const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmin_abs(const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmax (const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmax_abs(const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmin (const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmin_abs(const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmax (const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> uint argmax_abs(const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
// TODO: argmin
// TODO: argmax
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argminXY (const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argminXY_abs(const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argmaxXY (const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argmaxXY_abs(const sstd::mat_c<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argminXY (const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argminXY_abs(const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argmaxXY (const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
template<typename T> std::tuple<uint,uint> argmaxXY_abs(const sstd::mat_r<T>& rhs);
// binary search
template<typename T> T nearest_down(const std::vector<T>& v, const T& value);
template<typename T> T nearest_up (const std::vector<T>& v, const T& value);
template<typename T> uint argnearest_down(const std::vector<T>& v, const T& value);
template<typename T> uint argnearest_up (const std::vector<T>& v, const T& value);
// sort
template <typename T> inline void sort ( std::vector<T>& rhs ){ std::sort(rhs.begin(), rhs.end()); } // Ascending: 昇順: 0, 1, 2, ...
template <typename T> inline std::vector<T> sorted (const std::vector<T>& rhs_in){ std::vector<T> rhs=rhs_in; std::sort(rhs.begin(), rhs.end()); return rhs; } // Ascending: 昇順: 0, 1, 2, ...
template <typename T> inline std::vector<T> sorted ( std::vector<T>&& rhs ){ std::sort(rhs.begin(), rhs.end()); return rhs; } // Ascending: 昇順: 0, 1, 2, ...
template <typename T> inline void sort_gr ( std::vector<T>& rhs ){ std::sort(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), std::greater<T>()); } // Descending: 降順: 9, 8, 7, ...
template <typename T> inline std::vector<T> sorted_gr(const std::vector<T>& rhs_in){ std::vector<T> rhs=rhs_in; std::sort(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), std::greater<T>()); return rhs; } // Descending: 降順: 9, 8, 7, ...
template <typename T> inline std::vector<T> sorted_gr( std::vector<T>&& rhs ){ std::sort(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), std::greater<T>()); return rhs; } // Descending: 降順: 9, 8, 7, ...
// sort for multiple vector
template<typename Head, typename... Tail> inline void sort (Head&& head, Tail&&... tail); // Ascending: 昇順: 0, 1, 2, ...
template<typename Head, typename... Tail> inline void sort_gr(Head&& head, Tail&&... tail); // Descending: 降順: 9, 8, 7, ...
template <typename T> std::vector<T> nonzero(const std::vector<T>& rhs);
// template <typename T> void padding (std::vector<T>& vecLhs, std::vector<T>& vecRhs); // <--> sstd::suppress();
// template <typename T> void suppress(std::vector<T>& vecLhs, std::vector<T>& vecRhs); // <--> sstd::padding(); or zfill
template <typename... Args> void suppress(Args&... args);
Numerical calculation
Function name | Description |
round2even() | |
round2odd() | |
sum() | |
sum_abs() | |
ave() | |
med() | |
var() | |
var_p() | |
stdev() | |
stdev_p() | |
sumK() | |
sumK_abs() | |
aveK() | |
varK() | |
varK_p() | |
stdevK() | |
stdevK_p() | |
pow() |
prime number calculation
Function name | Description |
prime() | |
factor() | |
divisor() |
Function name | Description |
min() | returns minimum value of given arg(s). min() can specifies multiple args while args have the same type and is defined < operator. 与えられた値の内,最も小さい値を返します.同一型で operator < が定義されている型であれば,複数の引数を指定できます. |
min_abs() | |
max() | returns minimum value of given arg(s). min() can specifies multiple args while args have the same type and is defined < operator. 与えられた値の内,最も大きい値を返します.同一型で operator < が定義されている型であれば,複数の引数を指定できます. |
max_abs() | |
argmin() | |
argmin_abs() | |
argmax() | |
argmax_abs() | |
nearest_down() | |
nearest_up() | |
argnearest_down() | |
argnearest_up() |
Function name | Description |
sort() | sorts arg(s) value directly in ascending order. When multiple std::vector<T> s are specified to arg, all std::vector<T> s will be sorted according to the 1st arg. There is no limit to the number or type of std::vector<T> specified in the argument.引数の値を直接ソートする.値は昇順にソートされる.引数に std::vector<T> が複数与えられた場合は,第1引数の順序に従って他の引数をソートする.引数に指定する std::vector<T> の数や型に制限はない. |
sorted() | returns sorted value of arg(s) in ascending order, and arg(s) will not changed. ソート結果を昇順で返す.引数は変更されない. |
sort_gr() | sorts arg(s) value directly in descending order. When multiple std::vector<T> s are specified to arg, all std::vector<T> s will be sorted according to the 1st arg. There is no limit to the number or type of std::vector<T> specified in the argument.引数の値を直接ソートする.値は降順にソートされる.引数に std::vector<T> が複数与えられた場合は,第1引数の順序に従って他の引数をソートする.引数に指定する std::vector<T> の数や型に制限はない. |
sorted_gr() | returns sorted value of arg(s) in descending order, and arg(s) will not changed. ソート結果を降順で返す.引数は変更されない. |
Function name | Description |
nonzero() | |
suppress() |
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ sstd::printn( sstd::round2even(1.5) ); sstd::printn( sstd::round2even(2.5) ); sstd::printn( sstd::round2odd(1.5) ); sstd::printn( sstd::round2odd(2.5) ); }
- Execution result
sstd::round2even(1.5) = 2. sstd::round2even(2.5) = 2. sstd::round2odd(1.5) = 1. sstd::round2odd(2.5) = 3.
Statistical processing
sum(), sum_abs(), ave(), med(), var(), var_p(), min(), min_abs(), max(), max_abs(), argmin(), argmin_abs(), argmax() and argmax_abs()
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<double> v = {-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4}; sstd::printn( sstd::sum( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::sum_abs( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::ave( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::med( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::var( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::var_p( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::stdev( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::stdev_p( v ) ); printf("\n"); sstd::printn( sstd::min( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::min_abs( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::max( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::max_abs( v ) ); printf("\n"); sstd::printn( sstd::argmin( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::argmin_abs( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::argmax( v ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::argmax_abs( v ) ); }
- Execution result
sstd::sum( v ) = -5. sstd::sum_abs( v ) = 25. sstd::ave( v ) = -0.5 sstd::med( v ) = -0.5 sstd::var( v ) = 9.16667 sstd::var_p( v ) = 8.25 sstd::stdev( v ) = 3.02765 sstd::stdev_p( v ) = 2.87228 sstd::min( v ) = -5. sstd::min_abs( v ) = 0. sstd::max( v ) = 4. sstd::max_abs( v ) = -5. sstd::argmin( v ) = 0 sstd::argmin_abs( v ) = 5 sstd::argmax( v ) = 9 sstd::argmax_abs( v ) = 0
min() and max() for equal or more than three args
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ sstd::printn( sstd::min(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4) ); sstd::printn( sstd::max(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4) ); }
- Execution result
sstd::min(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4) = -5 sstd::max(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4) = 4
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<double> v = {-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4}; sstd::printn( sstd::nearest_down(v, 0.5) ); sstd::printn( sstd::nearest_up(v, 0.5) ); printf("\n"); sstd::printn( sstd::argnearest_down(v, 0.5) ); sstd::printn( sstd::argnearest_up(v, 0.5) ); }
- Execution result
sstd::nearest_down(v, 0.5) = 0. sstd::nearest_up(v, 0.5) = 1. sstd::argnearest_down(v, 0.5) = 5 sstd::argnearest_up(v, 0.5) = 6
sort(), sort_gr()
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<double> v_base = {-1,-5,2,-3,3,4,-2,0,1,-4}; sstd::sort(v_base); sstd::printn(v_base); sstd::sort_gr(v_base); sstd::printn(v_base); }
- Execution result
v_base = [-5. -4. -3. -2. -1. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.] v_base = [4. 3. 2. 1. 0. -1. -2. -3. -4. -5.]
sort() for multiple vector
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<int> v1_sorting_seed = {1, 3, 5, 2, 4}; std::vector<std::string> v2 = {"one", "three", "five", "two", "four"}; std::vector<std::string> v3 = {"1", "3", "5", "2", "4"}; std::vector<std::string> v4 = {"a", "c", "e", "b", "d"}; std::vector<std::string> v5 = {"A", "C", "E", "B", "D"}; sstd::sort(v1_sorting_seed, v2, v3, v4, v5); sstd::printn(v1_sorting_seed); sstd::printn(v2); sstd::printn(v3); sstd::printn(v4); sstd::printn(v5); }
- Execution result
v1_sorting_seed = [1 2 3 4 5] v2 = ["one" "two" "three" "four" "five"] v3 = ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"] v4 = ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"] v5 = ["A" "B" "C" "D" "E"]
sort_gr() for multiple vector
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<int> v1_sorting_seed = {1, 3, 5, 2, 4}; std::vector<std::string> v2 = {"one", "three", "five", "two", "four"}; std::vector<std::string> v3 = {"1", "3", "5", "2", "4"}; std::vector<std::string> v4 = {"a", "c", "e", "b", "d"}; std::vector<std::string> v5 = {"A", "C", "E", "B", "D"}; sstd::sort_gr(v1_sorting_seed, v2, v3, v4, v5); sstd::printn(v1_sorting_seed); sstd::printn(v2); sstd::printn(v3); sstd::printn(v4); sstd::printn(v5); }
- Execution result
v1_sorting_seed = [5 4 3 2 1] v2 = ["five" "four" "three" "two" "one"] v3 = ["5" "4" "3" "2" "1"] v4 = ["e" "d" "c" "b" "a"] v5 = ["E" "D" "C" "B" "A"]
sorted(), sorted_gr()
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<double> v_base = {-1,-5,2,-3,3,4,-2,0,1,-4}; sstd::printn( sstd::sorted( v_base ) ); sstd::printn( sstd::sorted_gr( v_base ) ); printf("\n"); sstd::printn( v_base ); }
- Execution result
sstd::sorted( v_base ) = [-5. -4. -3. -2. -1. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.] sstd::sorted_gr( v_base ) = [4. 3. 2. 1. 0. -1. -2. -3. -4. -5.] v_base = [-1. -5. 2. -3. 3. 4. -2. 0. 1. -4.]
- main.cpp
#include <sstd/sstd.hpp> int main(){ std::vector<double> v={1,2,3,0,4}; sstd::printn( sstd::nonzero(v) ); // suppressing vector to the same length before 0. std::vector<double> in1={1,2,3,0,4}; std::vector<double> in2={1,2,3}; std::vector<uint> in3={1,2,3}; std::vector<double> in4={1,2,3,4}; sstd::suppress(in1, in2, in3, in4); sstd::printn( in1 ); sstd::printn( in2 ); sstd::printn( in3 ); sstd::printn( in4 ); }
- Execution result
sstd::nonzero(v) = [1. 2. 3.] in1 = [1. 2. 3.] in2 = [1. 2. 3.] in3 = [1 2 3] in4 = [1. 2. 3.]
- Source: sstd/src/math/math.cpp
- Header: sstd/src/math/math.hpp
- Test: test/src_test/math/math.cpp