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encode / decode


encode_decode.hpp contains functions for encoding and decoding operations. encode_decode.hpp はエンコード・デコードにまつわる関数を収録します.

Header file

namespace sstd{
    std::string base64_encode(const uchar* str, size_t strLen);
    std::string base64_encode(const uchar* str);
    std::string base64_encode(const std::string& str);

    std::string base64_decode(const uchar* str, size_t strLen); // when it was an error, 0 size std::string is returned.
    std::string base64_decode(const uchar* str);                // when it was an error, 0 size std::string is returned.
    std::string base64_decode(const std::string& str);          // when it was an error, 0 size std::string is returned.
    void print_base64_decode_table(); // for developers

    extern const char bin2str_table[256][3];
    std::string url_encode(const char* str, size_t strLen);
    std::string url_encode(const char* str);
    std::string url_encode(std::string& str);
    std::string url_encode_type2(const char* str, size_t strLen); // for developers
    void url_encode_compare_speed(); // for developers

    std::string url_decode(const char* str, size_t strLen); // when it was an error, 0 size std::string is returned.
    std::string url_decode(const char* str);                // when it was an error, 0 size std::string is returned.
    std::string url_decode(std::string& str);               // when it was an error, 0 size std::string is returned.
    void print_url_decode_table(); // for developers

//  std::u16string utf8_to_utf16(const std::string& str);
//  std::string utf16_to_utf8(const std::u16string& str);
    // utf functions are not checked yet.
    std::u32string utf16_to_utf32(const std::u16string& str);
    std::u16string utf32_to_utf16(const std::u32string& str);
    std::   string utf32_to_utf8 (const std::u32string& str);
    std::u32string  utf8_to_utf32(const std::   string& str);
    std::u16string  utf8_to_utf16(const std::   string& str);
    std::   string utf16_to_utf8 (const std::u16string& str);

    extern const uchar str2bin_table[256];
    std::string    unicodeEscape_encode(const std::u16string& str);
    std::u16string unicodeEscape_decode(const char* str, size_t strLen);
    std::u16string unicodeEscape_decode(const char* str);
    std::u16string unicodeEscape_decode(const std::string& str);
    std::u16string unicodeEscape_decode_type2(const char* str, size_t strLen); // for developers
    void unicodeEscape_compare_speed(); // for developers
    void print_unicodeEscape_decode_table();


  • main.cpp
    #include <sstd/sstd.hpp>
    int main(){
        return 0;
  • Execution result
